Save 50% on Pentatonic Kalimbas
Use the coupon code Penta50 to save 50% on one of these Pentatonic Kalimbas: the Hugh Tracey Celeste Pentatonic Kalimbas, the Hugh Tracey Box Pentatonic Kalimbas, and the Moon-10 Kalimbas. Code Penta50 is good through Dec 6 2023. Video Illustrating the Various Pentatonic Kalimba Tunings Why Do You Want a Pentatonic Kalimba? The Hugh Tracey pentatonic kalimbas have 11 notes, covering two octaves from G3 to G5. The pentatonic kalimba has fewer notes that other kalimbas, but still covers a similar range from low to high. This means there is more physical space between the tines, and more sonic space in between the notes. The experience you will have playing