October 16, 2024

Mark Holdaway

Meet Anthony Ghimenti and his Family – New Owner of Kalimba Magic

Anthony is not the fellow that I was expecting to sell Kalimba Magic to. I was thinking I would sell it to someone who ran a music store already, or maybe to one of the top kalimba players. Or someone who made kalimbas already. Then again, I myself was an unlikely person to start Kalimba Magic, as I had no experience running any business at all. But it was my baby, and I nurtured it as it grew. So, who exactly is Anthony Ghimenti? Mark Holdaway passes the torch to Anthony Ghimenti at the New Kalimba Magic headquarters in California. KM: Anthony, what inspired you to buy Kalimba Magic? AG:

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Mark Holdaway

The Future of Kalimba Magic

One of the key things about Kalimba Magic that makes it unique is the diversity of instrument brands, models, tunings, and setups. It turns out there are only 40 different basic models of kalimba in our inventory, but that number is multiplied hugely by the different ways we change the kalimbas. Why do we change them? Each different tuning plays different music, and each has a different feeling. Sometimes I’m the one who discovers the cool tuning. Sometimes it is a customer or another kalimba player. Sometimes the customer asks if I have anything in G minor, and then I go and invent a specific G minor tuning for some

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Mark Holdaway

Magic Penny – Malvina Reynold’s Song – in Kalimba Tablature

Did you ever hear the theme song from the TV show “Weeds”? Every episode featured a different version of the 1950s social commentary song by Malvina Reynolds, “Little Boxes”. Less known is her song “Magic Penny”, which has the profound lyric: “Love is something if you give it away…. you end up having more!  It’s just like a Magic Penny – hold it tight and you won’t have any. But lend it, spend it, and you’ll have so many, they’ll roll all over the floor!” And I have to admit, that is a large part of my strategy at Kalimba Magic – to share with the world, to give Kalimba

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