Kalimba Christmas Music: 10-Note Kalimba
Christmas Songs on Kalimba Christmas carols are one of my favorite things to do on the kalimba. I have spent thousands of hours working out dozens of carols, and I’ve written the arrangements out in tablature for a whole bunch of kalimbas. Here is a list of kalimbas you can play carols on, arranged from the simplest kalimbas to the hardest and most capable kalimbas: 8-Note Diatonic Kalimba in C 10-Note Kalimba in C Moon-10 in Silver Moon Tuning Moon-10 in Gold Moon Tuning Hugh Tracey 15-Note Alto Kalimba Hugh Tracey 17-Note Treble Kalimba 17-Note Kalimba in C Chromatic Alto Kalimba Chromatic Treble Kalimba Each week, until we run out