Starting PDF eBook for the Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba – 34 pages with tablature, photos and live links to MP3 files.
If you own a new 17-Note Kalimba in C (a copy of the Hugh Tracey Treble, but in a different tuning), this book will not work for your kalimba. See here.
When I learned how to play kalimba 30 years ago, there were no books. Ten years ago, this was the very first kalimba book I wrote that uses kalimba tablature. You can learn more about using tablature here.
There are now many books for the Treble kalimba, but no matter what kind of music you want to play, you should probably start with this one.
This book starts with how to keep your kalimba properly tuned and covers various playing techniques. It touches on music theory and harmony, showing you chords, scales, and intervals. Various left-right exercises are included. Many beautiful songs, such as Wimmoweh, Stir It Up, Michael Row Your Boat Ashore, This Land is Your Land, are included.
Check out the additional images with this product to learn more about the kind of materials in this book.