Are you a “numbers-based learner”?
First of all, you may want to get our EZ Numbers Kalimba EBook!
But then you might also be interested in getting this 10-Note Spiral Kalimba with stamped tines.
Why do I call it the “Spiral Kalimba”? Because of the spiral-shaped wood burn design that my wife Su and I designed. (You can see more artwork by Su at “SuLuWashArt“.)
If held at one angle, you can barely see the note names and numbers stamped into the tines. But if you change the angle or the illumination, you will clearly see the “C” and “1” on the central tines.
You might think this is a fantastic idea. Surely other kalimba sellers have been doing this. But before you get carried away, know that there are some reasons why you wouldn’t want the note names and numbers permanently stamped on your tines:
If you want to paint selected tines, you had better get the 10-Note Kalimba with plain tines. The selected painted tines help you read the graphical tablature, as the painted tines are represented by the shaded columns in the tabs. However the paint on the stamped tines gets mighty weird and is not recommended.
Similarly, if you want to explore one of the exotic tunings on the 10-Note kalimba, then the stamped note names and numbers will not match the actual tuning on the kalimba. You are free to purchase a stamped 10-Note Kalimba and retune it as you choose, but we will not send out kalimbas with note names that don’t match thee actual tuning (sorry).
When the light is right, you can clearly see the note names and numbers stamped into the tines on the new Stamped 10-Note Spiral Kalimba.
The tuning and note numbers of the standard tuning of the new Stamped 10-Note Spiral Kalimba.
Of course, you can use most of the 10-Note instructional materials for this kalimba.