Mark Holdaway

Mark Holdaway

Save 55% on These Hugh Tracey Kalimbas w/o Pickup

Use the coupon code NoPickup55 to save 55% on Hugh Tracey Alto Kalimba, the Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba, the Bb Treble Kalimba, the D Treble, the African Tuned Karimba, the F-15 Karimba, and the Box Karimba.  Code NoPickup55 is good through Jan 20 2024. What about the corresponding models with pickups? Well, I am running out of all of those, so it is business sense to try to sell off the ones without pickups, which I still have a fair many. (Underlying essage: if you need a Hugh Tracey Kalimba with a pickup, you may want to order it sooner rather than later.) This is part of our “Great Kalimba

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Mark Holdaway

Save 50% on Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimbas

Use the coupon code Treble50 to save 50% on the Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba and its offshoots. Code Treble50 is good through Jan 5 2024. (This sale does not apply to Celeste Treble, which are low in stock.) This is part of our “Great Kalimba Selloff of 23/24”. As they say, “Everything must go”. Eventually. Well, I will keep about 100 kalimbas in my personal collection, because I am just crazy like that. I anticipate playing a lot of kalimba in my retirement. I have so many recordings I am dreaming of. If you don’t have a Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba, consider getting one. They are really fine instruments, quite

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Mark Holdaway

Save 50% on Sweet Goshen Box Kalimbas

Use the coupon code Goshen50 to save 50% on the 8-Note Goshen Box Kalimba or the 8-Note Goshen Box Student Karimba. Code Goshen50 is good through Dec 31 2023. Before you poo-poo this 8-Note Kalimba as “kid stuff”, check out the video below. These are incredibly sweet kalimbas. The wood is stained mahogany, routed with smooth edges. The two “vibrato holes” are on the side instead of the back, which feels so nice when you use them to flutter the tone. The Goshen 8-Note Box Kalimba is among my favorite  kalimbas to play. It is so smooth and pleasant. I am keeping 10 of them to give as gifts in

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Mark Holdaway

Are YOU the Future Author of a Wikipedia Article About Kalimba Magic?

A Legacy Stolen? Here’s a story: in 2020, I discovered that some fraudster was publishing their own versions of my tablature-based kalimba books, and claiming that HE had invented Kalimba Tablature. (I invented graphical Kalimba Tablature in 2004.) This prompted me to publish my own kalimba books on Amazon. I got Amazon to take down most of the fraudster’s books, but there are still a few up. And there are many other people who write kalimba books, use my tablature, and do not credit me in any way. Which begs the question: whatever will happen to my legacy after Kalimba Magic is gone? A Wikipedia Article I could write a

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Mark Holdaway

My Retirement Plan: Traveling the Country Giving Kalimba Workshops!

We are starting a list of where in the USA we would like to travel in 2024 and beyond, to share the joys of music and kalimba. Would you like to be a stop along the way? Just to chat over coffee, or get a kalimba lesson? Or would you like to host a kalimba workshop, kalimba history presentation, or a house concert? If you would like to get on the bus with us (so to speak), please Contact Us. Tell us your name, city or town, phone number, email, and what sort of musical or kalimba adventure you have in mind. We are starting to think of trips to

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Mark Holdaway

Save 50% on M17 Kalimbas, Any Tuning

Use the coupon code MMM50 to save 50% on the M17 Magadi Kalimba in any of its tunings. Code MMM50 is good through Dec 21 2023.Just to spell it out, in the standard tuning and unpainted tines, this kalimba lists for $30, so the 50% off coupon gets you this kalimba for $15 plus shipping. The video below gives you a demo of the standard C tuning, the C minor tuning, the Middle Eastern Tuning, and the Lotus tuning (Am/Dm, a wholestep above the standard Lotus tuning). See Our Tunings for the Magadi M17 Kalimba Why Do You Want a M17 Kalimba? The M17 is a large block-mounted kalimba with

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Mark Holdaway

Save 50% on Exotic Star-13, Moon-10, and Olive-9 Kalimbas

Use the coupon code Magadi50 to save 50% on any of these Magadi Kalimbas: the Star-13 Kalimba, the Moon-10 Kalimba, and the Olive-9 Kalimba. Code Magadi50 is good through Dec 15 2023. See below about why you might want one of these kalimbas: Hey, Meet These Three Special Kalimbas Why Do You Want an Exotic Magadi Kalimba? I fell in love with the Magadi Kalimbas when I first played them. I saw great possibilities. I understood the exotic tunings and rich sounds that could be made with these cool kalimbas. And I thought that my enthusiasm for them would translate into great sales of the Star-13 Kalimba, the Moon-10 Kalimba,

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Mark Holdaway

Save 50% on Pentatonic Kalimbas

Use the coupon code Penta50 to save 50% on one of these Pentatonic Kalimbas: the Hugh Tracey Celeste Pentatonic Kalimbas, the Hugh Tracey Box Pentatonic Kalimbas, and the Moon-10 Kalimbas. Code Penta50 is good through Dec 6 2023. Video Illustrating the Various Pentatonic Kalimba Tunings Why Do You Want a Pentatonic Kalimba? The Hugh Tracey pentatonic kalimbas have 11 notes, covering two octaves from G3 to G5.  The pentatonic kalimba has fewer notes that other kalimbas, but still covers a similar range from low to high. This means there is more physical space between the tines, and more sonic space in between the notes. The experience you will have playing

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Mark Holdaway

On Sale: Books for 17-Note Kalimba in C, Alto Kalimba, Treble Kalimba

The most important part of my life’s work is the body of limited edition kalimba books that I leave behind. But I am really leaving them behind, because once I sell out of them, I will not be reprinting them. And as far as I can see, nobody else will either. So, if you want a piece of kalimba history, take home one of my Kalimba Tablature-based Kalimba Books! On the other hand, I have five book titles with enough inventory to convince me that I will be holding on to a bunch of these at  the end of the game… which is why I have slashed the prices on

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