Kalimba Magic Catalog 2017
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Download a PDF of the 2017 Kalimba Magic Catalog Browse the Soundfiles for the 2017 catalog
I couldn’t believe it – a juice spill on my favorite kalimba! Fortunately, I know a good kalimba doctor! This B flat Treble kalimba is about 50 years old. Photo taken after the clean up. It was the grapefruit juice drink that did me in. It somehow splattered on my old (50 years or so!) Bb Treble, perhaps my favorite kalimba, as I was on my way to a performance. While performing, I first noticed one note on the far left not ringing clearly. About 20 seconds later, the adjacent note went dim, and within a minute, to my distress, the whole left side suddenly stopped ringing. (My theory: as
The Catalog is available in hard copy or as a PDF Download Download a PDF Catalog, or listen to the sound files For the first time in seven years, Kalimba Magic has printed a catalog. Click through to find out what is special about this new catalog and how to get a hard copy or a soft copy catalog of your very own. In the past, I have used professional help with catalogs in terms of photography and design layout. This time, I have done all the work for the catalog on my own. While it has slowed me down – I haven’t produced a single book during the time
Sharing some of the sweet statements we got from folks in 2016 I don’t know exactly why I am doing this. There may be an element of ego in reprinting my customer’s (happy) comments to me. But there is another motive here: each of these statements has love and warmth and light in it, and it just seemed a shame to keep them all locked up. Each of these people, in some way or other, has seen me at or near my best. These comments help tell a part of the story that normally is never shared, and I feel it would be interesting for you to see them.
Each different mode is like a totally different instrument. Don’t you want to unlock that power? You can totally change the scale your kalimba is playing, not by doing anything hard such as retuning your kalimba, but just by starting and ending on a different note than you usually do. Emphasizing a different note makes that the root note, and the whole system of whole steps and half steps shifts, and all of a sudden the kalimba is playing as if it were tuned to a totally different scale. How different can the scales be? Here are my descriptions of each of the modes: Mode 1: happy. Mode 2: dark,
Understanding ties and dots – extending the length of notes Are you having difficulty understanding note and timing symbols in the tablature? This blog post is just for you – it’s the second of our series on learning how to read kalimba tablature. In the first post, we talked about what the “tine map” means, looked at the different types of notes and how long each kind lasts, and introduced how to understand timing and keeping time. This installment of the multi-part series on reading tablature covers the details of the “tie” symbol (a sideways smile) and the “dot” (a dot immediately after – or “above” – any note
Understanding ties and dots – extending the length of notes Are you having difficulty understanding note and timing symbols in the tablature? This blog post is just for you – it’s the second of our series on learning how to read kalimba tablature. In the first post, we talked about what the “tine map” means, looked at the different types of notes and how long each kind lasts, and introduced how to understand timing and keeping time. This installment of the multi-part series on reading tablature covers the details of the “tie” symbol (a sideways smile) and the “dot” (a dot immediately after – or “above” – any note
Finally a breakthrough! Chromatic tablature that is easy to read and understand! The Chromatic kalimba is a wonderful innovation based on the standard Hugh Tracey diatonic kalimbas such as the Alto and the Treble. Diatonic kalimbas play basically like the white notes on a piano. As long as a song stays in key with no accidentals, you can probably play it on an Alto or Treble kalimba. (An “accidental” is a note that is not in the key signature and requires a “flat,” “sharp,” or “natural” symbol. For the kalimba, though, this is a foreign concept, as “accidental” usually means “that note isn’t on the kalimba.”) If a song changes
This old, old instrument lives on and can play lots of 17-Note karimba music 9-Note Student Karimbas The “student karimba” is my own invention – or rather, it is my re-invention. I came up with the name, but Andrew Tracey calls it the “kalimba core” as well as the “original mbira”. I like to call it “the kalimba that time left behind.” While this little instrument is far from popular these days, it was mentioned in the first scholarly article on the kalimba written in 1950 by missionary A.M. Jones. I feel this simple instrument’s pattern is truly important because of where it stands in the history of all thumb
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