Mark Holdaway

Mark Holdaway

Mbira Song “Chaminuka”

New tablature for mbira dzavadzimu, plus tabs for Hugh Tracey Alto and B flat Treble Kalimbas Click to download tablature for the mbira song “Chaminuka” Chaminuka was a real person, a renowned Zimbabwean prophet who foretold the coming of white European colonialists.  After his death, he became a popular ancestral spirit to channel.  Mbira dzavadzimu were and still are used in these ceremonies. While researching Chaminuka for the Chiwoniso article, I learned that there are at least two totally different songs by this name: “Chaminuka” for the karimba by Chiwoniso, and an unrelated song for the mbira dzavadzimu.  The mbira “Chaminuka” is the classic pattern described by Andrew Tracey in

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Mark Holdaway

Karimba Music: Chiwoniso’s Song “Chaminuka”

Free tablature for “Chaminuka,” for A-17 or F-15 instruments Click to download Tablature for the song Chuaminuka on F-15 Note Karimba We have featured the music of the late Chiwoniso before at Kalimba Magic.  Chiwoniso was a talented and charismatic singer and karimba player (which she simply called an mbira). She was also the daughter of Dumisani Maraire (Dumi), who is credited with bringing both the marimba band movement and the karimba to America, starting around 1968.  Dumi was educated about music at the Kwanangoma School of African Music in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe). Chiwoniso grew up traveling with her father and learning African music, between Zimbabwe and Washington

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Mark Holdaway

LimbaTrip in Japan

Yohei Kisanuki plays some of the best Chromatic Kalimba in the world! When Kalimba Magic gets an order for an instrument and we ship it out, we have no idea if this kalimba will sit in its box unused for years, or if it will become the recipient’s new best friend, accompanying him or her on daily journeys and sharing beautiful music for years.  I hope the latter, of course.  It is always nice to see when someone does really well with their kalimbas. I recently learned of the great kalimba artist Yohei Kisanuki through YouTube.  I was particularly impressed by his ease in playing the Treble Chromatic kalimba, and thought

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Mark Holdaway

Panic Attacks and Kalimba Medicine

I was with someone while they had a panic attack – fortunately I had my kalimba I was visiting with a friend the other day when, out of the blue, she started to have a panic attack. I had something like a panic attack once – it was not a very enjoyable experience.  It seemed like the pressure of the entire world was pressing down on my heart and chest. I have never been with someone else who was experiencing a panic attack, and I don’t know much about them. While I immediately recognized that something was wrong, I didn’t really have a clue.  Her breath became shallow and rapid,

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Playing “Mahororo” on the African Karimba – 5 / 5

This traditional mbira song transfers well to karimba Click to download the full PDF tablature for “Mahororo” “Mahororo” is usually played on the mbira dzavadzimu (commonly called the mbira), and is one of the classic songs that fit the chord progression described by Andrew Tracey in his seminal 1973 paper “The System of the Mbira” which studies in depth the ages-old mbira playing of the peoples he and his father Hugh studied for decades. This implies that “Mahororo” is probably one of those “old songs” – meaning it may be something like 500 – 800 years old. Ivodne Galatea pointed out that it could be played on the karimba. With

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Mark Holdaway

The Freygish Karimba Download, Redux

NOSTALGIC, SENSUAL, MYSTERIOUS, SWEET…. THIS KALIMBA PLAYS TRULY UNIQUE MUSIC. THE IMPROVED AND ENHANCED DOWNLOAD IS AVAILABLE NOW. IF YOU HAVE IT ALREADY, UPGRADE IT FOR FREE! Get the Freygish Download   “The Freygish-tuned karimba plays delightful songs, mostly in C harmonic minor.  This instrument brings alive baroque melodies and harmonies, romantic music box waltzes, fiery Middle-Eastern music, and hot Latino cumbia – nostalgic, sensual, mysterious and sweet.  This karimba plays unique music that is not played by any other.” (From the back cover of the Freygish karimba download.) The instrument that you can hear right now, which is playing in the video below, is the Freygish karimba, and the

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Mark Holdaway

La Medicina Meets La Karimba

Playing Karimba for Ayahuasca Ceremonies – PART 1 Learning to play the karimba and facilitating Ceremonies for the local Ayahuasca Church accompanied each other into my life. The karimba brightened my days during a particularly explicit flare-up of an old state of auto-immunity (see the blog post “Thumbing the Karimba at Chronic Pain”). The beads rattled like yapping puppy teeth, wanting to cuddle, and I was delighted. We made noise together. It was a good, wholesome, and healthy noise. In contrast, the Ayahuasca Ceremonies held by the Church lasted all night, ended at dawn, and were conducted in silence. Under the influence of medicine that expands your senses like so

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Mark Holdaway

“Vitamin K” and Falling in Love with the African tuned karimba

Learning tablature, and a new book, opened up the exciting and beautiful world of traditional African songs. By leslee morrison “Bungu Utete” was the first Karimba song Leslee learned For me, learning the African tuned karimba with its repertoire of ancient African music is an  infusion of new excitement and inspiration in my playing. I call it “Vitamin K”. The instructions that came along with my new Hugh Tracey 17-note karimba said that it is a beginner’s instrument; but with 17 tines instead of the 11 that I was familiar with, and with the additional “buzzers,” I discovered that a lot of new and exciting sound can come out of

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Playing “Mahororo” on the African Karimba – 4 / 5

This traditional mbira song transfers well to karimba Click to download the full PDF tablature for “Mahororo” “Mahororo” is usually played on the mbira dzavadzimu (commonly called the mbira), and is one of the classic songs that fit the chord progression described by Andrew Tracey in his seminal 1973 paper “The System of the Mbira” which studies in depth the ages-old mbira playing of the peoples he and his father Hugh studied for decades . This implies that “Mahororo” is probably one of those “old songs” – meaning it may be something like 500 – 800 years old. Ivodne Galatea pointed out that it could be played on the karimba.

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