Mark Holdaway

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Mark Holdaway

Save 45% on Non-Traditional Karimbas – SaReGaMas, Celtic-D, I-Ching, and Afroharp

Use the coupon code New45 to save 45% on the family of Non-traditional Karimbas. The Non-traditional karimbas include the SaReGaMa Lotus, the SaReGaMa Air, and the SaReGaMa Freygish Karimbas; the I-Ching Kalimba; and the Alto Afroharp. Code New45 good through Nov 30 2023. Note that the code does not work on Hokema B17 or B15 in karimba tunings. But look below at the instruments it does apply to. Video Illustrating the Various Non-traditional Karimbas   SaReGaMa Lotus Karimba SaReGaMa is a new age musical artist who went to town inventing innovative kalimba tunings, and the Lotus Tuning is the most famous! He has millions of views on YouTube with his

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimba Magic’s Long Term Plan

I am retiring soon, and I have not found a buyer for Kalimba Magic, in part because the inventory to income ratio is too high. So, I am selling off said inventory in as orderly a way as I can think of. A number of people have asked me: So, when you close Kalimba Magic’s doors, will the website disappear? Will the support recordings for the kalimba instructional downloads go away? The Current Plan I am selling off all Kalimba Magic inventory, all kalimbas, all hard copy books, and all CDs. It will take several months to sell off all the inventory. But at some point in the spring of

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Mark Holdaway

Learn the Afroharp Now

This new instructional download takes you from simple to amazing in 46 pages! Catania Decorative Afroharp The Afroharp is a legendary 13-note, two level kalimba created and manufactured for a short period in late 1960s Chicago.  Because we feel that the Afroharp is a valuable and compelling instrument, Kalimba Magic has been selling new instruments in the Afroharp tuning for several months.  Vintage Afroharps are virtually impossible to acquire. I feel incredibly lucky to have recently had one come into my possession. Read on to learn how this vintage Afroharp came to me, what’s special about the Afroharp, how this modern kalimba looks and sounds in a video, and more about

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimba Magic is Liquidating Kalimba Inventory * Save 50% on Spiral-10 Kalimbas

Use the coupon code SaveHalfOn10Note to save 50% on the Spiral-10 Kalimba or on the Spiral-9 Box Student Karimba.  Code good through Nov 6 2023. In case you missed the memo, Kalimba Magic is closing in spring 2024, and we are engaged in the process of selling off our inventory. Each week, we will feature a different kalimba, and offer you significant discounts on them. This week, it is the introductory level 10-Note Kalimba, and also the Spiral-9 Box Karimba that we make from the 10-Note. Get the 10-Note Spiral-10 Kalimba The 10-Note is a bit smaller than the ubiquitous 17-Note kalimbas – but it has wider, smoother tines. There

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimba Magic is Liquidating Kalimba Inventory * Save 40% on Chromatic Kalimbas

Use the coupon code Chromatic40 to save 40% on all four of our chromatic kalimba models. Code good through Oct 31 2023. Let’s celebrate the four different types of Hugh Tracey Chromatic Kalimbas we have been selling. These have the chromatic notes on the back side, played by the fingers. The diatonic notes are on the front side, and you play these with your thumbs. We have four models: (solid body  -or-  box body)   X   (Treble  -or-  Alto). The board-mounted kalimbas are also called “celeste” models. So, expanding the products: we have the box-mounted treble chromatic kalimba, the board-mounted treble chromatic kalimba, the box mounted alto chromatic, and the

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Mark Holdaway

The Making of A Celtic-D Karimba

This is part of what “Available Only At Kalimba Magic” really means When they get an order, most of the world’s kalimba purveyors just pull an instrument off the shelf, pack it in a box, and put a label on it. At Kalimba Magic, we do so much more. We fine-tune the instrument. We paint the tines for guidance. Sometimes we retune the instrument to a different tuning. And sometimes we just take the whole thing apart, rearrange the kalimba, and rebuild it as a totally different beast. That is how we make the Celtic D Kalimba, SaReGaMa karimbas, and a whole host of custom-tuned instruments. Follow along as I work

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Mark Holdaway

Save 30% on Moon-10 Kalimba

Each tuning a different flavor, capable of its own music. The Moon-10 Kalimba comes in a great variety of exotic tunings, each one designed to play a different type of beautiful and mystical music. And through Oct 31 2023 they are all discounted by 30%. Use the Coupon Code Save30Moon to save 30% on your purchase of the Moon-10 Kalimba.   Phases of the Moon: Moon-10 Alternative Tunings How to Play the Moon-10 Kalimba “A Middle Eastern” Tuning for the Moon-10 Kalimba Do Something for Yourself: Try the Moon-10 Kalimba? Desert Moon – Exotic Music on a Moon-10 Kalimba Blood Moon – More Exotic Music on the Moon-10 Kalimba Remember

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How To Play
Mark Holdaway

How to Play the Lotus and SaReGaMa Karimbas

New Age musician SaReGaMa is a master at inventing new kalimba tunings. He has turned on a whole new generation of kalimba players, with both his brilliant playing and innovative tunings, the Lotus, the Freygish, and the Air tuning. Instruments, books, and downloads.

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