Mark Holdaway

Mark Holdaway

Practice TIP: Marking your Mbira

I mark key root notes with different colors – and this works on other instruments too! Archival Practice Tips The mbira dzavadzimu is one of the pinnacles of the traditional African lamellaphones (thumb pianos), and its music is rich and sweet.  I consider the mbira and its music to be the highest intellectual wonder of ancient Africa.  And we can learn to play this venerable music today in our modern world. I have a confession to make: while I easily picked up the kalimba and taught myself to play, I have had a very difficult time with the mbira.  I bought my first mbira more than 15 years ago, and

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Mark Holdaway

Hugh Tracey’s Field Recordings from Africa are Alive and Well at ILAM

The man who created the modern kalimba movement also worked to preserve traditional African music Search the ILAM Music Archive of Hugh Tracey’s Recordings While Hugh Tracey is best known for the Hugh Tracey kalimba, I believe his most important work was the assemblage of 35,000 field recordings he made through the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s of traditional music across sub-Saharan Africa. These recordings captured music across Africa just before much of the traditional music was eclipsed and even erased by modern European influences such as the western scale, choral church music, and western popular music, which were propagated by radio and recordings.  Today, Tracey’s historical recordings are alive and

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Mark Holdaway

Practice TIP: Play Every Day

20 Minutes a Day – You can make this a spiritual practice Archival Practice Tips You can spend 20 minutes a day doing any one particular activity, and you will get better at it.  If you did yoga for 20 minutes a day, your strength, flexibility, and balance would improve.  If you ran for 20 minutes a day, your cardiovascular function and physical stamina would improve.  If you meditated for 20 minutes a day, your level of insight and your outlook would probably improve. What if you played kalimba for 20 minutes a day, every day? I myself sometimes have difficulty finding the time to play kalimba every day, but

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Mark Holdaway

Now The Book: 30 Traditional African Karimba Songs

This 72-page book contains the music to about 30 traditional karimba tunes Click to purchase 30 Trad. Karimba Book It is my feeling that “About 30 Traditional Kalimba Songs…” is the most significant kalimba book I have written to date. This book is written from the point of view that the karimba is a living relic; I believe that the kalimbas that were played over a millenium ago had very similar note layouts to the lower half of the two-tiered modern karimba. This means that the music in this collection of wonderful traditional tunes could be very similar to the music that people in Africa played more than 1000 years in

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Mark Holdaway

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, on Kalimba

Free Tablature for Alto, Treble and G Chromatic Kalimbas Jesu can be played on Alto, Treble, Bb Treble, D Treble, or Chromatic Kalimbas. The Hugh Tracey kalimba is the work of a lifetime. From 1920 to 1954, musicologist and historian Hugh Tracey honed his experience, appreciation and understanding of African music and musical instruments. Then, in an endeavor to create a new kalimba and one that would be able to appeal to western ears, he built over 100 prototype instruments of various designs which integrated aspects of several traditional kalimbas, from about 1950 to 1954. When he felt he had perfected his design, the Treble kalimba was born, and it

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Serena Gabriel

Kalimba Performer and Healing Arts Mark gave us a music theory lesson and kalimba history lesson, and a beautifully inspired musical jam. It was incredible! I was in bliss and in awe!

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Tyler Van Arsdale

Kalimba Artist, Yoga Instructor The kalimba has been by my side through thick and thin. It provides solace when I feel alone, peace when I am frought with worry, and joy when I share it with others. Kalimba will always be in my life. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful instrument.

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Kyle Heide

Ethnomusicologist and Music Instructor I appreciate your direct approach to helping people enjoy this family of instruments as quickly and smoothly as possible, whatever their backgrounds may be.

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Béla Foltin, 2016

Kalimba Lover Your’s is the best and most responsive businesses to your customer base that I have seen on the Internet. Keep it coming! We appreciate it.

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