Mark Holdaway

Mark Holdaway

The Last of the Heart-17 Kalimbas

We have just a few Heart-17 Kalimbas left. They haven’t been for sale for several months, and we found four more. These few may be the last ones we will be selling, so if you want one, now is your chance.   Resources For the 17-Note Kalimba in C Learning to Play 17-Note Kalimba in C African Karimba Songs on the 17-Note Kalimba in C

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Mark Holdaway

Learn 17-Note and 10-Note Kalimbas: Live Facebook Event Friday Sep 23, 3-4 MST

Hi! I am doing another Facebook Live event this Friday, September 23 2022 at 3pm MST = 6pm EDT. Huh? Arizona gets so much sun, we never go on Daylight Savings Time. Yes, we would go onto Daylight WASTING Time if it meant the sun would leave the sky sooner. So, in the summer, we are the same as PDT, and in the winter, we are the same as MST. Just one of life’s little complications. On the other hand, if you live in Arizona, you never have to change your clocks – which sounds simple to me. Enough on time zones. Here is the plan for the (approximately) one

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Mark Holdaway

Learning to Play 17-Note Kalimba in C

I write kalimba books for fun and for my living. I write tablature-based books. Kalimba tablature might look complex, compared to the numbers-based system. But really, the tablature method is not difficult to use. I have always had success with using the visual kalimba tablature with children as young as 6 and 7… so I am sure you can do it too! But the real strength of tablature is that it is flexible and capable of notating essentially anything you can do on the kalimba. And I can tell you, I can do a lot on the kalimba! And I can notate my accomplishments in tablature. Which means, if you

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Mark Holdaway

Magadi Kalimbas – Really Good, and Really Affordable!

Are you in a kalimba rut? Let one of these exotic kalimbas free you into a new land of music!   The Magadi line of kalimbas are all high quality instruments, generally with exotic tunings and innovative designs. Each Magadi kalimba we sell comes with a free booklet that I wrote – the implication being that these are insightful guides that will help you get the most out of these kalimbas. I should note that these booklets are not available anywhere except Kalimba Magic. To popularize the Magadi Kalimbas, we are offering a 30% off coupon code: Magadi30 Here are the words of Peter Oxland, one happy Kalimba Magic customer:

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