For the last 6 years, the most popular kalimbas in the world have been the Chinese-made 17-Note kalimbas. 10 years ago, I would have said the Hugh Tracey Alto Kalimba was the most popular. Unfortunately, they are not being made anymore, but we still have a few Hugh Tracey Alto Kalimbas that you can get your hands on.
But back to the 17-Note: the 17-Note Kalimbas are modeled on the Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimbas, which were the original kalimbas first made in South Africa in the 1950s.
The tuning is easy and intuitive, with middle C, the root note, residing right in the middle on the lowest note.
So, what makes our version of the 17-Note interesting?
The bamboo wood gives it a bright tone.
Kalimba Magic is one of the few kalimba sellers that will not only paint the selected tines on your kalimba – we also do custom painting. We will paint the tines in a variety of colors, or any way you like!
The Kalimba Magic name reminds you where this kalimba came from, and reminds you of what you can do with your kalimba.
And you can get some of the best instructional materials for the 17-Note Kalimba from Kalimba Magic.
Usually, people select the tine color, and we paint the tines so that the kalimba works with the 17/C tablature in our kalimba books. The “365 Days to Kalimba Mastery” ebook is actually formatted for your phone, so you can download it and take it with you everywhere you go. The 365 Days exercises are “bite-sized” so they fit on your phone, small enough to learn quickly and really dig into.
If you order custom painting, you can request painting in whatever way you want.