Beautiful hymns on the kalimba – what more can I say? Heaven!
To me, holidays have always been, at their core, about music. The music pervades the essence of the celebration and the ceremony. The music deepens our experience of the numinous moment.
And it gives you a great gift that you can bestow on any around you when you can create such beautiful and moving music. That is why I study Christmas carols, and that is also why I learn Easter hymns.
This book of Easter hymns is excellent for beginning kalimba players as well as those with more skill, because each of the 12 songs here has both a basic arrangement and an advanced arrangement. The basic arrangement will be mostly melody notes, with a few harmony notes.
With the advanced versions you will take your kalimba playing to the next three or four levels! These are really beautiful, the way I remember the organ in church when I was 10 years old – with multiple running lines, and full and beautiful harmonies, and many other lovely aspects. But the advanced versions are not easy. They will have you working for weeks and months as you improve and grow into these challenges.
But the advanced versions are just elaborations of the basic versions, so learning the basic melody is a good starting point that will help you progress into the advanced arrangements.
The first 12 bars are the Basic version, and the last few bars, with harmony, are more similar to the Advanced arrangement.
Here is the basic version of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” one of the songs in the book. “Basic” means that you can probably start from scratch and end up playing a recognizable version of this song in one sitting. If you click on the sound icon (the musical note with green sound waves around it) in the ebook, you will hear the song.
Do you need help reading kalimba tablature?
What if your kalimba has different painted tines?
Purchase the Easter Hymn Download for the 17-Note Kalimba in C.