New Download and Book: “Blank Tablature and Tunings for Popular Kalimbas”


This 8.5″ x 11″ book of blank tablature contains blank tablature and blank chord charts for six different types of kalimba, in two different painting schemes.  This is a great way for you to write down your kalimba musical ideas or compositions.

Here is the table of contents for the book. The first 15 pages deal with showing you about the finer points of Kalimba Tablature and the two painting systems. The rest of the book is tablature and chord blanks for the various kalimba types… along with some very special allternative tuning suggestions for most of these kalimba types.

This book is available as a hard copy from Amazon for $10, or as a download from Kalimba Magic for $5.

Here is one of the many pages instructing you on the ways of Kalimba Tablature. Clear illustrations and clarifying words explain what you need to know on several sub topics.

Here is an example of the blank tablature for the 8-Note Kalimba painted with the Chinese System, that is, with the central tine painted.

Here is a sample page of the “blank chord and tuning charts”. This example is for the 10-Note Kalimba in the Hugh Tracey Painting System, with the central tine unpainted, but surrounded by two painted tines. Some have the note names and numbers for the standard tuning – you can write chord charts on those ones. The ones without note names on them? They can serve as blanks for your new tuning explorations… or, if you explore chords in one of the “exotic tunings” we provide, you can write down the tuning’s notes here, and fill in the balls for the notes of the chords you are making.

This book is available as a hard copy from Amazon for $10, or as a download from Kalimba Magic for $5.

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