
Mark Holdaway

TIP: Exploring Sansula Tunings – p3 – The Sansula Book

This ground-breaking book inspired thousands Go to product page for “Playing the Sansula” Kalimba Magic started making the first alternative sansula tunings many years ago, and we are the only people to have made instructional materials for the sansula and its alternative tunings. This series of tips is an overview of Kalimba Magic’s sansula tunings and related instructional materials. This is a good example of the music played easily on the sansula in standard A minor tuning – it is one of the lessons from the book “Playing the Sansula”, which mostly covers the standard tuning. The media player at the bottom of the article will play a sound recording

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Exploring Sansula Tunings – p2 – The Sansula in Standard Tuning

The standard A minor tuning requires almost no effort and sounds great Renaissance Sansula product page Kalimba Magic started making the first alternative sansula tunings many years ago, and we are the only people to have made instructional materials for the sansula and its alternative tunings. This series of tips is an overview of Kalimba Magic’s sansula tunings and related instructional materials.  To gain some perspective, we take a close look at where the Sansula started – the standard A minor tuning. The notes of the sansula in standard tuning are shown on the left, and the roles these notes play is indicated in the numbers on the right.  The

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Exploring Sansula Tunings – p1 – What is a Sansula?

All sansulas have nine tines, four of them bent upward Renaissance Sansula product page Kalimba Magic started making the first alternative sansula tunings many years ago, and we are the only people to have made instructional materials for the sansula and its alternative tunings. This series of tips is an overview of Kalimba Magic’s sansula tunings and related instructional materials.  We start our series of tips with the nuanced question: “What is a sansula?” This used to be a much simpler question. When Peter Hokema invented the sansula, it had four main properties: it was a 9-note kalimba with four of the tines bent upward into a second row; the kalimba was

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Mark Holdaway

Tip Series: Exploring Sansula Tunings

What is a tuning? Why do you retune? How do you retune? Click to visit the first sansula tip The sansula is a great instrument for so many reasons: its lush tone, beautiful craftsmanship, the smooth metal tine tips, the amazing wah-like effects it produces totally acoustically, its simple 9-note layout with staggered tines, and its intuitive tuning that literally transforms nearly-random thumb twiddling into actual music. However, the same tuning that is geared toward instant success turns out to be very limiting. I realized this early on, but I so loved the tone and feel of the sansula; I wanted to do more with it. So I started to

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Mark Holdaway

A Fantastic Instructional Download for the Sansula

The C Major Sansula Tuning has always been beautiful – and now it is accessible! Get the C Major Sansula Instructional Download Kalimba Magic sansulas are normally sold in the A Minor tuning, which produces music of an enchanting, mystical and melancholy nature. I created the C Major sansula tuning in 2011 in response to a customer’s request for a sansula in C.  I love this tuning; it is simply happy and positive, potentially majestic and even euphoric. I am often struck by how easy it is for the C Major sansula to produce music of great simplicity and beauty. If something gorgeous happens in the midst of my time spent with

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Mark Holdaway

Doug Fitch on using the Hugh Tracey Kalimba

Doug is a studio percussionist in NYC, and the kalimba is in his bag Click to visit Doug Fitch’s website Hi! I’m Doug Fitch, and I have been playing kalimba for about five years. I work as a studio musician in New York City. I’m a percussionist, and one of the special things I bring to the table is the kalimba, and specifically I like Hugh Tracey kalimbas the best.  I’ve found there is just nothing else like them out there. I own several, and have given them as gifts to friends and family. I’ll be sharing here some of what I’ve learned about playing, recording, and amplifying the kalimba.

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Mark Holdaway

New Tip Series for Three Exotic Pentatonic Tunings

How to understand a new tuning, and how to make sense of the tuning charts Click to visit the first pentatonic kalimba tip The pentatonic scales have a great power, related to the fact that playing them does not require as much thought as other scales demand. They have fewer notes, and they are simpler instruments, both physically (with more space between adjacent tines) and intellectually. However, there are some important basic things that you should know about pentatonic scales, and these little bits of wisdom are applicable to almost any scale at all. In other words, learn the lessons these simple scales have to teach, and you can take those

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Mark Holdaway

How One Music Therapist Uses the Pentatonic Kalimba

MT Lee Anna Rasar Specializes in the 6-Note Pentatonic One of the best kalimbas to use in music therapy is also our least expensive kalimba – the 6-Note Catania Pentatonic kalimba. While there are a lot of spirituals and children’s songs that can be played on the 6-Note Pentatonic, probably its best uses are improvisational in nature. You just pick it up, twiddle your thumbs, and music comes out! Lee Anna Rasar is a professor in the Music Therapy department at University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. She has used the 6-Note pentatonic kalimba and other kalimbas extensively in music therapy. The following is from a letter that Lee Anna wrote to

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Mark Holdaway

Free Tablature for Pentatonic Kalimbas in Exotic Tunings

Great music for G minor and Ake Bono tuned 11-Note Pentatonic Kalimbas Click to download Tablature PDF for the Ake Bono piece It turns out there are dozens of possible ways to arrange the notes into a pentatonic scale. A pentatonic scale is any scale that has five unique notes per octave, a simplification over the standard seven note major scale.  The pentatonic scales tend to sound raw, earthy, primitive. About 40% of the kalimbas Hugh Tracey encountered in his travels around Africa had various sorts of pentatonic scales, and Maurice White of the band Earth, Wind and Fire put his kalimba into a pentatonic scale to make it resonate more

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