
Mark Holdaway

“Vitamin K” and Falling in Love with the African tuned karimba

Learning tablature, and a new book, opened up the exciting and beautiful world of traditional African songs. By leslee morrison “Bungu Utete” was the first Karimba song Leslee learned For me, learning the African tuned karimba with its repertoire of ancient African music is an  infusion of new excitement and inspiration in my playing. I call it “Vitamin K”. The instructions that came along with my new Hugh Tracey 17-note karimba said that it is a beginner’s instrument; but with 17 tines instead of the 11 that I was familiar with, and with the additional “buzzers,” I discovered that a lot of new and exciting sound can come out of

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Playing “Mahororo” on the African Karimba – 4 / 5

This traditional mbira song transfers well to karimba Click to download the full PDF tablature for “Mahororo” “Mahororo” is usually played on the mbira dzavadzimu (commonly called the mbira), and is one of the classic songs that fit the chord progression described by Andrew Tracey in his seminal 1973 paper “The System of the Mbira” which studies in depth the ages-old mbira playing of the peoples he and his father Hugh studied for decades . This implies that “Mahororo” is probably one of those “old songs” – meaning it may be something like 500 – 800 years old. Ivodne Galatea pointed out that it could be played on the karimba.

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Mark Holdaway

The Karimba Song “Kakaiwa” – Free Tablature and MP3

A karimba song that echoes more complex mbira music structure Click to download karimba tablature for the song “Kukaiwa” “Kukaiwa” is one of my favorite songs in our recently published “About 30 Traditional Karimba Songs” book and instructional download.  This arrangement comes to us from kalimba maven Ivodne Galatea, who mentions that CD liner notes indicate that “Kukaiwa” may be traditional, or it may be original to Dumisani Maraire. Mariaire brought the marimba band movement to the western United States in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. He may also be the man who first brought the karimba, which he called mbira nyunga nyunga, to the USA.   This arrangement of

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Mark Holdaway

TIP:Technique: Playing with the right index finger – 3

Yes, but what if you don’t feel like using your right index finger? You can use the thumb slide-off technique! Buy the African Tuned Karimba, save 13% with coupon code CAT13 I find the addition of the right index finger to the two thumbs to be essential to playing African music, and in expanding the capabilities of kalimbas in general.  However, it typically feels unnatural at first, no matter which approach you take.  A great many people resist using their (non-thumb) fingers on these instruments. If you just don’t want to (or cannot) use a forefinger, what are you to do? It’s not just beginners who feel awkward twisting their

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Alto Kalimba Riff #1

Free Tablature to help you play the music in this YouTube video on your Alto Kalimba Click to download the PDF tablature for this exercise When you look at a kalimba, you see a tiny, unassuming instrument. But if the possibilities of the kalimba are considered all at once, they can boggle the mind. An easy way to reduce the overwhelm when starting to learn something new is to pare down the number of tines you use, making the kalimba into a simpler instrument.   If your Alto kalimba only had six notes rather than fifteen, it would be much easier, right?  This video will teach a very useful trick –

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Mark Holdaway

Free Tablature! Alto and Pentatonic Kalimba Kushaura and Kutsinhira

Following the lead of traditional mbira music works great on modern day kalimbas too! Click to download the tablature for the song you’re hearing, “Pfumvu Paruzevha” How do you play two kalimbas together?  There is no particular tradition for doing that, but there is a deep, wide, and wild tradition of playing two mbira dzavadzimu together – one plays the kushaura part (the leading part) and the other plays the kutsinhira part (the following part).  Often the same high notes are played in the two parts, but the kutsinhira part’s high notes will echo the kushaura part’s high notes.  If a particular high note is repeated in the first part,

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Mark Holdaway

TIP: Playing “Mahororo” on the African Karimba – 3 / 5

This traditional mbira song transfers well to karimba Click to download the full PDF tablature for “Mahororo” “Mahororo” is usually played on the mbira dzavadzimu (commonly called the mbira), and is one of the classic songs that fit the chord progression described by Andrew Tracey in his seminal 1973 paper “The System of the Mbira” which studies in depth the ages-old mbira playing of the peoples he and his father Hugh studied for decades . This implies that “Mahororo” is probably one of those “old songs” – meaning it may be something like 500 – 800 years old. Ivodne Galatea pointed out that it could be played on the karimba.

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Mark Holdaway

New! Hugh Tracey Alto and Pentatonic Kalimba Package

Two Great Kalimbas that go Great Together! Click to visit the Alto / Pentatonic Package product page One of my favorite things to do is to play kalimba duets with a close friend. The Hugh Tracey Alto kalimba is one of the most popular and most capable of all kalimbas.  In many ways, it is the gold standard by which all other kalimbas are measured.  I have written more books and music for the Alto Kalimba than for any other, and very often it is still one of my Altos (I have them in G, C, and F now) that I grab when I walk out the door. The Hugh Tracey

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimba and Mindfulness – 2

Please study this application of mindfulness to the process of learning to play specific music on kalimba Photo by Glen Davis. Kalimba by Andrew Masters Have you ever struggled to learn a piece of music on the kalimba, really studied in detail the exact notes you need to play?  It seems that the kalimba is a simple instrument – there are only a few tines for your left thumb and a few tines for the right thumb.  Surely this is simple.  You should be able to master this instrument after a week of playing it, right? But as soon as you approach a challenging song on the kalimba (and “challenging”

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