Kalimba Magic is Liquidating Kalimba Inventory * Save 40% on Chromatic Kalimbas
Use the coupon code Chromatic40 to save 40% on all four of our chromatic kalimba models. Code good through Oct 31 2023. Let’s celebrate the four different types of Hugh Tracey Chromatic Kalimbas we have been selling. These have the chromatic notes on the back side, played by the fingers. The diatonic notes are on the front side, and you play these with your thumbs. We have four models: (solid body -or- box body) X (Treble -or- Alto). The board-mounted kalimbas are also called “celeste” models. So, expanding the products: we have the box-mounted treble chromatic kalimba, the board-mounted treble chromatic kalimba, the box mounted alto chromatic, and the