
Mark Holdaway

The Original 1968 Hugh Tracey Kalimba Manual

The Full Historical Document in PDF, Free To You Click Here to DOWNLOAD the 1968 Hugh Tracey Instructioanl Manual   When Hugh Tracey made his new kalimbas back in 1954, there were only a few people in the world who could play this non-traditional African instrument. But what about people in Africa? Didn’t they too play kalimba? They did, but they played instruments with other designs, other setups, and other tunings. The Hugh Tracey Kalimba was a new instrument in the kalimba family, ideally suited to playing western music. Hugh’s eldest son Andrew Tracey went to Oxford to study music so he could write a manual for the Hugh Tracey

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Mark Holdaway

The Kalimba History Video

The Prime Lesson: The Kalimba Comes From Africa   I recently got this message in my Facebook feed: “Hey man, I just wanted to say thank you for your research regarding the kalimba. I came across it randomly and thought it originated in Asia, but boy was I wrong! Thank you for showing us where its true roots lie.” Yes, so many kalimbas are made in China that the African roots of the instrument are becoming obscured. I have a really cool video I made that explains some of the important parts of the kalimba’s story in Africa. Part of the story of the kalimba’s birth, evolution, and migration in

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Mark Holdaway

Creativity and Kalimba Tunings

Click to learn more about how to adjust your kalimba’s tuning   Most people who play kalimba quickly discover a set of musical tricks that are easy to do and sound good… but sometimes, they get stuck in a rut and don’t really know what else to do. To get out of the rut, they could get a new kalimba with a different number of tines or a different note layout, as the new kalimba would provide new vistas and new opportunities for creativity. Most people who play kalimba for more than a few years will end up getting multiple kalimbas. However, there is an easier way to get the

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Mark Holdaway

Build Yourself Up

We are very rich in time just now – what will we do with it? Snowmelt from the Catalina Mountains flows through braided channels in Tanque Verde Wash, Tucson, AZ. Photo: Su Lupasco Washington   This particular moment is a fantastic time to pick up the kalimba. It attracts you into the NOW and invites you to focus in as deeply as you can. And when the world looks as it does right now, with fear and uncertainty, having something that you CAN do to create beauty and an aura of peace gives you a confidence-boosting sense of control over your life. I know that some of us have very

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Mark Holdaway

New Cases for B9 and B11 Hokema Kalimbas

These are great, sturdy, form fitting cases for the B9 and B11 kalimbas Go to kalimba accessories for a full selection of kalimba cases   The kalimba is a care free instrument. Its size and portability make it a great instrument to travel with. However, the kalimba tines require protection when you travel, or else they will tend to get pulled and pushed out of tune. If you want to travel safely with your Hokema B9 or B11 kalimba, check out these carrying cases made specifically for these instruments.

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Mark Holdaway

John Burns is Having the Time of His Life

Playing Sansula and Native American Flute at 86, he is at a peak of his musical career Listen to John’s CD “Nesama,” Featuring Native American Flute   At the age of 86, John Burns of Melbourne, Australia is having the time of his life, playing meditative music on the Native American Flute and the Sansula. He started playing tuba in high school, then a rare chording harmonica. He continues his exploration of arpeggiated chords, now on the Sansula. John brings the sensitivity and spirituality of the Native American Flute to his Sansula playing, and he touches the hearts of the people for whom he plays.   Kalimba Magic: John, when

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Mark Holdaway

Precious Family Time Together: Kalimba Duets

Here is a great activity – and an ebook – for homebound kids and parents Get the 10-Note / 17-Note Duets eBook   Now is a chance for many people around the world to do some home-schooling. Kids are loving the time and parental attention combined with the freedom of being home instead of at school. What a great time to do kalimba with them! This is an opportunity for precious one-on-one time with your kids… or with your parents! This is a time to make something beautiful together. And I can recommend two kalimbas (see the image above) that go great together, and they come with an ebook of

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Mark Holdaway

The Attitude of Gratitude

Thank you to the world for this opportunity to keep on serving you My Bb Treble Kalimba and a rare crested saguaro cactus in Tucson Mountain Park, AZ. Photo: Su Lupasco Washington   When life slaps you in the face, what do you do? You get to decide. It is all up to you. But if you keep walking with an attitude of gratitude for the things that still work, for the sun that shines warm on your face, the wind that cools you down, the rain that waters the plants, the stars that shine at night, and the song that plays on in your heart – you’ll have a

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Mark Holdaway

EZ Numbers-Based eBook for Almost Any Kalimba

If you have been frustrated with learning kalimba, try starting here Get your Numbers-Based Kalimba ebook today   Kalimba tablature, invented by yours truly in 2004, reflects my internal conceptualization of the kalimba and how it is played. My gift to the kalimba world, this tablature can be used to learn how to play, to transmit any sort of music to others, as well as an easy and elegant aid in composing new music. But not everyone likes my vertical tablature. If you’re new to kalimba tablature and find it overwhelming, you might want to first try the numbers-based approach to learning how to play. A simple, “play by the

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