
Mark Holdaway

Kalimbas in our Elders’ Hands

Have you thought about getting a kalimba for Mom or Dad? Or for yourself? A Box Lotus and a Regular Lotus Karimba We are living longer – and hopefully we are living better too. Better knowledge of health and the human body help us take better care of our bodies and minds, leading to the potential of living well as we age. But part of aging is dealing with loss. I have known elders who played violin, cello, piano, or guitar in their younger days – all physically demanding instruments. At some point, the demands of these instruments can exceed what a body has to give. When dealing with loss,

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimbas in our Elders’ Hands

Have you thought about getting a kalimba for Mom or Dad? Or for yourself? A Box Lotus and a Regular Lotus Karimba We are living longer – and hopefully we are living better too. Better knowledge of health and the human body help us take better care of our bodies and minds, leading to the potential of living well as we age. But part of aging is dealing with loss. I have known elders who played violin, cello, piano, or guitar in their younger days – all physically demanding instruments. At some point, the demands of these instruments can exceed what a body has to give. When dealing with loss,

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Mark Holdaway

Get a Kalimba for Yourself… and a friend

A special offer makes it easier to have oh-so-much fun together A Box Lotus and a Regular Lotus Karimba Playing the kalimba can be a profoundly personal journey. Playing takes me within myself, like taking a deep breath and diving to the bottom of a clear and peaceful pool. The diversions and annoyances of the world evaporate, leaving me with whatever problems, challenges, successes and joys that may come up between me and my kalimba. But, often, as players we like to share that deep space with another special person. A grandmother wants to play with her grandchild, or a father wants to play with his child. A high school

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Mark Holdaway

Get a Kalimba for Yourself… and a friend

A special offer makes it easier to have oh-so-much fun together A Box Lotus and a Regular Lotus Karimba Playing the kalimba can be a profoundly personal journey. Playing takes me within myself, like taking a deep breath and diving to the bottom of a clear and peaceful pool. The diversions and annoyances of the world evaporate, leaving me with whatever problems, challenges, successes and joys that may come up between me and my kalimba. But, often, as players we like to share that deep space with another special person. A grandmother wants to play with her grandchild, or a father wants to play with his child. A high school

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Mark Holdaway

Mbira as an International Character

Is it Cultural Appropriation? Editor’s note: Klara is a valued contributor to the Kalimba Magic blog. She is currently spending some months in Zimbabwe developing her mbira skills, and has given us another rich, intelligent and stimulating piece; here she considers the sensitive cultural issues around her endeavor. The Bridge that Klara writes about (the Machipisa Foot Bridge in the city of Harare) was first built in 1998. Its journey from a very scary place to what it is now is discussed in the two articles linked at the bottom of this page. These articles, from local periodicals, give a rare glimpse into life in a faraway place, and it’s

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Mark Holdaway

Bea Lorenzo Plays Kalimba to Support Her Vocals

This Manila-based singer-songwriter has sunk her teeth into the Chromatic Kalimba This is the very first Bb Treble kalimba I made about 10 years ago [Editor’s note: Bea has taken the Facebook world by storm with her evocative vocals and her simple but righteous kalimba playing. You should get to know her now, so you can say you knew about her way-back-when.]  “I believe I speak for an entire generation of self-taught individuals when I say that the Internet allows us to take the initiative in building new skills. I spent a lot of time browsing websites including Kalimba Magic, before purchasing my own kalimba. So by the time I

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Mark Holdaway

Get Your Kalimba Playing Ready for the Holidays

Christmas Music on Kalimba is so beautiful, and we have books to help you play music like this The kalimba is a wonderful instrument for Christmas carols, with a peaceful and angelic sound.  I have spent many joyous hours learning, practicing, and performing Christmas carols on the kalimba.  More importantly, I have spent many diligent hours notating these songs for the Hugh Tracey Alto and Treble kalimbas so that you can also learn to play these carols. Every year about this time, I get my Advanced Alto and Treble Christmas books out and brush up on my carols.  And each year, I add one or two tunes to my repertoire. 

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Mark Holdaway

Instructional Download: Alto in G minor

This minor retuning can breathe new life and emotion into your Alto Kalimba Click to purchase the instructional download for the G minor Alto The Hugh Tracey Alto in standard G major tuning has become the standard kalimba in many ways. For 12 years, it has been the best selling kalimba at Kalimba Magic. I have written more instructional books and downloads for this kalimba than for any other kalimba. I know more songs on my Alto than on any other kalimba. And the Alto kalimba was the blueprint for other models such as the Bb Treble and D Treble kalimbas. But what if the world of G major sounds

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Mark Holdaway

Instructional Download: 8-Note Kalimba in Sansula Tuning

An exotic tuning on this otherwise vanilla kalimba makes for new and interestng music Click to purchase this instructional download The 8-Note kalimba is a great instrument on which to learn, and is usually tuned to one octave of the C major scale. As such, it is a pretty modest kalimba, playing songs such as “London Bridge is Falling Down” and “Joy to the World” (and NOT the “Jeremiah was a bullfrog” version). If you are willing to retune your 8-Note kalimba, you can greatly increase the amount of music accessible to the 8-Note kalimba.  The standard A minor Sansula tuning is one of the least ordinary tunings you can put

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