
Mark Holdaway

Kalimba Magic is Liquidating Kalimba Inventory * Save 40% on Chromatic Kalimbas

Use the coupon code Chromatic40 to save 40% on all four of our chromatic kalimba models. Code good through Oct 31 2023. Let’s celebrate the four different types of Hugh Tracey Chromatic Kalimbas we have been selling. These have the chromatic notes on the back side, played by the fingers. The diatonic notes are on the front side, and you play these with your thumbs. We have four models: (solid body  -or-  box body)   X   (Treble  -or-  Alto). The board-mounted kalimbas are also called “celeste” models. So, expanding the products: we have the box-mounted treble chromatic kalimba, the board-mounted treble chromatic kalimba, the box mounted alto chromatic, and the

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Mark Holdaway

The Making of A Celtic-D Karimba

This is part of what “Available Only At Kalimba Magic” really means When they get an order, most of the world’s kalimba purveyors just pull an instrument off the shelf, pack it in a box, and put a label on it. At Kalimba Magic, we do so much more. We fine-tune the instrument. We paint the tines for guidance. Sometimes we retune the instrument to a different tuning. And sometimes we just take the whole thing apart, rearrange the kalimba, and rebuild it as a totally different beast. That is how we make the Celtic D Kalimba, SaReGaMa karimbas, and a whole host of custom-tuned instruments. Follow along as I work

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Mark Holdaway

Save 30% on Moon-10 Kalimba

Each tuning a different flavor, capable of its own music. The Moon-10 Kalimba comes in a great variety of exotic tunings, each one designed to play a different type of beautiful and mystical music. And through Oct 31 2023 they are all discounted by 30%. Use the Coupon Code Save30Moon to save 30% on your purchase of the Moon-10 Kalimba.   Phases of the Moon: Moon-10 Alternative Tunings How to Play the Moon-10 Kalimba “A Middle Eastern” Tuning for the Moon-10 Kalimba Do Something for Yourself: Try the Moon-10 Kalimba? Desert Moon – Exotic Music on a Moon-10 Kalimba Blood Moon – More Exotic Music on the Moon-10 Kalimba Remember

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“Loving the 10-Note Kalimba while vacationing in Hawaii!”

Aloha Mark! “I’ve been playing the 10-Note Kalimba here on the trails and beaches of Kauai and realized how deeply it resonates with my newfound island-style soul. It’s perfect in every way for satisfying my musical expression needs and desires. I showed your website to our friend who owns this kalimba and she was awestruck by the wealth of resources and tablature you’ve created. We read your well-written blog entries and were energized to resume learning some favorite songs. We are confident that by investing a modest amount of time on a daily basis, playing the kalimba will become even more fun and intuitive and we’ll start progressing beyond our

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Mark Holdaway

Free Tablature: SaReGaMa’s Freygish Song

This will help you learn this challenging karimba solo CLick to Download 8-page PDF of Freygish Tablature Do you know SaReGaMa’s story? He received a Hugh Tracey Karimba as a gift, but it was out of tune, so he started inventing his own tunings. Every few weeks, he would change the notes on the karimba, until it played the kind of music he wanted to play just then. He would play the karimba in its new tuning for a few days and become comfortable with it. Then, he would record and videotape an improvisation on that new karimba tuning. That is how we got SaReGaMa Lotus, Air, and Freygish tunings.

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Mark Holdaway

Learning to Play 10-Note Kalimba in C

OK, I’m an advanced kalimba player, and yes, I do love playing the 17-Note Kalimba because it offers so many musical possibilities and can play hundreds of thousands of songs. (People also ask me about the 21 note. I do have a 21-Note kalimba, but I have not bonded with it. Partly because it has SO many notes, and partly because I don’t like the “sound and feel” of the lowest notes.) But I also love the freedom and simplicity that is available from the 10-Note Kalimba. The tines are smoother. The tines are wider. There is more space between each tine. And with only 10 tines, the music is

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Mark Holdaway

Now Available: “Just the Tips” eBook

This book is the capstone to my career as the Kalimba Magician, and as the title says, its for ANY kalimba. If you pre-ordered this product and have not received my email yet, please contact me and I’ll hook you up! Even more, it is a great resource for most musicians. These are the notes of my own journey through music, and I imagine most of this would be helpful to musicians, beginners, intermediate, and advanced. These are the tips that are going to help you become a real musician. About two years ago, I found out that about a dozen of my books had been pirated. It wasn’t an

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Mark Holdaway

Reviews of New eBook: “Just the Tips”

Here are our first customer reviews of my newest book, “Just the Tips”. First, written by K.P.: “While I’ve only just kind of skimmed the book, I love it.  As I may have said, up till now I’ve mostly improvised.  More interested in relaxation, meditation, communing with the sounds, so this book will be wonderful. These days I’m really drawn to the instruments with two levels of tines, and all these tips will be helpful (including using super glue to fix the small hangnail). BTW, it took a bit of time to figure this out, but the ‘Books’ app on an iPhone is a place one can store PDFs and find

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