Featured Kalimbas

Mellisa Ghimenti

Giving Thanks Week

It is amazing how so often a small word or phrase of giving thanks or praise to another  shows appreciation. From the appreciation of some of my customers who have given thanks for the “Bubbie Bag”; henceforth, the one who has been making them who wants to remain anonymous at this time, wants to continue making them for my customers who purchase kalimbas from us as a free gift. This week I encourage you to check out our Kalimba Magic spiral 10 note kalimba. It is a perfect gift for beginners and advance players. Below are a few links to learn more about the spiral 10-note kalimba: Learn to Play

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Mellisa Ghimenti

All is Calm All is Bright CALMING10

As the new owner of Kalimba Magic, I’ve just completed my first month with inspiring challenges and good times. I have done my best to get orders received mailed out as quickly as possible. Most orders were fulfilled within 24 hours. Some I was able to mail out the same day received and some I had to be patient and wait for post office to reopen. I haven’t set shipping dates yet for I am hoping to continue doing quick turnarounds. One of the orders I was very pleased with the opportunity to hand deliver the kalimbas myself to a customer and learn more about the customer’s music store. I

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Mellisa Ghimenti

Making Lemonade from a Lemon with Added Sweetness

Thank you for your patience during this transition from the founder of Kalimba Magic, Mark Holdaway, has passed his business on to me to own and operate. This past week while working on setting up an accounting software the inventory counts went to zero causing our website to give only the option “read more”. Meaning everything was sold out, even though there was inventory available. On the flip side of this negative experience inventory has been counted and updated, giving me the opportunity to know what I have on hand in stock. Despite still working on the accounting software. While being on phone with the accounting software I decided to

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Mellisa Ghimenti

The New Kalimba House/Room

Wow, it’s finally here! It’s really happening, and it’s not a dream. From preparing the garage and a room in the house to receive the kalimbas, to the receiving of kalimbas and getting to meet Mark Holdaway (the founder of Kalimba Magic aka Kalimba Wizard) and Mike Ankomeus (Kalimba Doctor) was such an awesome experience. The nervousness of not really understanding of what to expect to the confidence I can do this. The time that Mark and Mike both have spent with me and training me on the how-to’s and advice are greatly cherished. Family with open drinks in the kalimba room stepped out and found a surprise note on

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GoshenStuKar featured
Featured Kalimbas
Mark Holdaway

Goshen Kalimbas

Save 13% on Goshen Kalimbas with the coupon code CAT13 The Goshen kalimbas are made in the USA.  They are beautiful, versatile, very soft on the thumbs, and not very pricey – hence, they are a great value.  They come in 8, 9, 11, 15, and 17 note varieties and can cover Alto, Treble, and all Karimba tunings, including SaReGaMa tunings. Listen to a six minute tour of six Goshen Kalimbas.

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Pentatonic featured
Featured Kalimbas
Mark Holdaway

Pentatonic Kalimbas

Save 30% on Hugh Tracey Box Pentatonic Kalimbas with the coupon code PENTA30 Ancient peoples all around the world have traditional pentatonic scales.  Hugh Tracey found that about 40% of the traditional kalimbas he documented had pentatonic scales.  I find that when I play on a pentatonic kalimba, I feel different – I can imagine being in a different time and a different land. Listen to Hugh Tracey Box Pentatonic Kalimba. Listen to Catania 6-Note Pentatonic Kalimba.

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lotus big500
Featured Kalimbas
Mark Holdaway

SaReGaMa Lotus, Freygish, Air Karimbas

You can save 13% on the SaReGaMa tuned Karimbas with the coupon code CAT13 SaReGaMa is the performance name of a very gifted new age musician who creates not only amazing kalimba music, but also invents the tunings and note layouts that support this music.  Kalimba Magic is pleased to offer three of SaReGaMa’s special tunings: the Lotus tuning, the Freygish tuning, and the Air tuning.  There are downloads and a book for Lotus, there is a full length download for Freygish, and the Air karimba has a free 12-page download. Listen to the Lotus and Freygish tuned karimbas together.

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image karimba 1
Featured Kalimbas
Mark Holdaway

African-tuned Karimba

Save 16% on Hugh Tracey Karimbas with the coupon code HT16 The African-tuned Karimba has a tuning and note layout that are thought to be over 1000 years old, and it has a large repertoire of traditional African music.  If you are looking for an authentic African experience, I encourage you to check out this remarkable instrument. Take this sonic tour of several different African Karimba tunings and models.

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Sansula featuredC
Featured Kalimbas
Mark Holdaway

Hokema Sansula

You can save 15% with the coupon code Sansula15 The Hokema Sansula has an exotic and mystical New Age sound.  It comes in several different tunings and has several instructional books.  These are great instruments to sit on your coffee table as a conversation piece for guests to marvel at, or for incidental music at a yoga studio, or for setting the mood for meditation.  With this particular kalimba, simple patterns can easily produce beautiful sounds. But with a more disciplined approach, the Sansula can expand  to more complex music. Listen to a comparison of: Pocket Sansula, Sansula Renaissance, and Deluxe Sansula.

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