
Mark Holdaway

Seek to Infuse Your Musical Moments With Beauty and Magic

If you play music long enough, you will learn that not all musical moments are created equally. Sometimes, the music is magical. It is a blessing to get to experience magical musical moments in any capacity… but it is truly amazing when a magical musical moment just happens to you. It doesn’t matter if you are a high functioning musician or a novice player. If you play long enough in a sitting, you might find that your playing is getting better and better. I love it when I can feel my mind and body learning, improving… sometimes day by day, but also sometimes hour by hour, or even minute by

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimba Magic – We Give You The Tools You Need to Succeed

Check out the tablature to the left, and the thumb positions on the kalimba. First thing: the kalimba tablature is a map of the kalimba tines. You can see the bottom of one tablature staff just above my index finger – the bottom of the tabs is shaped like the kalimba tines! Also, the painted tines on the kalimba map to the shaded tines on the tab. Second thing: there are two “staves” of “staffs” of tablature, one on the left and one on the right. The left one comes first… and you play the music from the bottom to the top before going to the next staff. Third thing:

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Mark Holdaway

Kalimba is a Lovely Collaboration Between Black and White

While the name “Kalimba” is one of the African names for one of the traditional African instruments, the modern kalimba owes a lot to a white man: Hugh Tracey. Hugh Tracey became entranced by traditional African music. He traveled tens of thousands of miles around Africa, recording and documenting traditional African music. He also collected African instruments, and became something of an expert of the various instrument designs made by people across Africa. Hugh Tracey utilized the design choices of several different traditional African instruments, but also made his own innovations, such as the western tuning and note layout. So, when you see the modern Chinese-made kalimbas, remember the essential

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Mellisa Ghimenti

Holiday Shopping

Thank you everyone for supporting Kalimba Magic. I am working to get orders shipped out as soon as possible. If you are looking to order kalimbas for a Christmas gift please allow time for shipping and processing. Please allow 3 days to process orders and the shipping you have selected. I apologize the PayPal payment option was not allowing payments to process due to Captcha error. I have wonderful news the issue has been resolved. Hokema 5-Note Chordal Kalimba The kalimba I would love for you to check out is the Hokema B5, Hokema B7, and Hokema B9 kalimbas. If you  love to make music as a family the Hokema

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Mellisa Ghimenti

All is Calm All is Bright CALMING10

As the new owner of Kalimba Magic, I’ve just completed my first month with inspiring challenges and good times. I have done my best to get orders received mailed out as quickly as possible. Most orders were fulfilled within 24 hours. Some I was able to mail out the same day received and some I had to be patient and wait for post office to reopen. I haven’t set shipping dates yet for I am hoping to continue doing quick turnarounds. One of the orders I was very pleased with the opportunity to hand deliver the kalimbas myself to a customer and learn more about the customer’s music store. I

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Looking For a Family/Educator/Musician Gift Idea:

Are you starting to think of that perfect gift you can give your loved ones. Maybe you are looking for a great family gift or a gift for a teacher’s classroom? I have some ideas that may inspire some great gift ideas. The chordal choir kalimbas are an awesome gift to give as a gift to a family or a teacher for their classroom. Each 5 tine kalimba in the chordal choir is tuned to a different key. Whether you choose to purchase a set of 3 or a set of 5, each kalimba may have their uniqueness to make for a beautiful learning experience as a group. I will

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Mellisa Ghimenti

Making Lemonade from a Lemon with Added Sweetness

Thank you for your patience during this transition from the founder of Kalimba Magic, Mark Holdaway, has passed his business on to me to own and operate. This past week while working on setting up an accounting software the inventory counts went to zero causing our website to give only the option “read more”. Meaning everything was sold out, even though there was inventory available. On the flip side of this negative experience inventory has been counted and updated, giving me the opportunity to know what I have on hand in stock. Despite still working on the accounting software. While being on phone with the accounting software I decided to

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Mellisa Ghimenti

SAFETY: Bubbie Bags

Inside the Bubbie bag is a small chain and 2 magnets, to create a buzzer effect for your kalimba The chain and magnets are safe with proper use for adults, and they should be kept away from children. If magnets are swallowed or inhaled they can lead to serious injury or death. If you suspect that a magnet was swallowed or inhaled please take immediate action and call 9-1-1 or your medical professional.  

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How To Play
Mark Holdaway

How to Play the Lotus and SaReGaMa Karimbas

New Age musician SaReGaMa is a master at inventing new kalimba tunings. He has turned on a whole new generation of kalimba players, with both his brilliant playing and innovative tunings, the Lotus, the Freygish, and the Air tuning. Instruments, books, and downloads.

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