We provide free tablature, for all three Treble Kalimba setups, of both simple and advanced versions of the famous song
The song Edelweiss from “The Sound of Music” is a perfect little melody for the Treble kalimba. The first three notes of the song soar up beyond the root note to the 9th. You could play this song on an Alto, and you would have to do it in the lower octave of the instrument. You shouldn’t, though, because it sounds so beautiful when played higher up, on the Treble. The standard G Treble and the Bb Treble both have a few notes above the top root note – in other words, these kalimbas were built for melodies like Edelweiss that go “over the top.”
A customer recently asked me if I had the tablature for “Edelweiss” written out for Treble kalimba. She had just bought a Treble, and she must have recognized the Treble’s silky high sound would be perfect for this sweet song. And I realized that “Edelweiss” would also make a great instructional aid for seeing how to arrange and play songs on the various setups for the Treble kalimba.
The downloadable PDF associated with each of the three kalimbas below has tablature for both the melody-only version of the song and a melody-with-harmony version. Furthermore, after you download the PDF, you can access the sound recordings online by clicking on the song titles.
Edelweiss for G Treble
Melody only:
Melody with Harmony:
Edelweiss for B flat Treble
Melody only:
Melody with Harmony:
Edelweiss for D Treble
The D Treble has moved the root note higher up the kalimba, to the very top note, and you need to go one note higher to play Edelweiss. Therefore, we must shift the melody down an octave – and in doing so, we also switch sides for the melody.
Melody only:
Melody with Harmony: