When I learned how to play kalimba 30 years ago, there were no books. Now there is a series of exciting new books that show you all the nifty tricks you can use with the kalimba, and THIS PDF ebook shows you how to play the 8-note kalimba, which is perfect for the beginning kalimba player. If you have an 8-note kalimba tuned to “Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do”, then you can use this book. 50 kalimba tunes, ranging from simple nursery rhymes to classical music, some TV music, folk songs, Latin grooves, and a traditional African melody recorded by Hugh Tracey in 1952.
The extra images for this product include the table of contents, a demonstration of how to use the tablature, and tablature for two of the easier songs.
This version of the product is a PDF download with live links to the sound files – very convenient unless you have no internet connection.
Other kalimbas that can immediately use this download: Goshen 8-Note Kalimba in D (the sound files will be in a different key), the 10-Note Kalimba in C and the 17-Note Kalimba in C (this download instructs you only on the lower, inner 8 notes of the kalimba, so you will have to temporarily ignore the outer tines on your instrument), and the Hugh Tracey Alto Kalimba (which is in a different key and has 15 tines – so you can’t play along with the sound files, and you need to ignore the outer 7 tines).