Easy Christmas Carols on the 10-Note Kalimba


This 59-page PDF download has tablature and sound files for 28 different Christmas carols arranged just for the 10-Note kalimba. Most songs require tuning the B tine to Bb, but we help you with that.

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This is a great instructional download (a PDF, not a hard copy book), showing the beginning kalimba player how to play 28 different carols on the kalimba. Most of the songs are “Level 1” and “Level 2,” meaning you should be ready to play them today, or in about a week of playing. Several other songs are “Level 3” (includes three note chords) and a few are “Level 4” (more complex, counterpoint, etc). In other words, here is a collection of holiday music that you can play the very day you download it, as well as each holiday season for years!

The ebook is a 59 page PDF, and has about ten pages of instructional material about reading tablature, playing the glissando, etc. Also, note the Table of Contents and the page 10 tab for “The First Noel” in the alternative images for this product. By clicking on the sound icon, your web browser will be driven to download the correct MP3 for the page you are on, so you can hear how the song is supposed sound.

In rough terms, I say “Get a kalimba that has the same number of tines as your child’s age.” That said, kalimbas max out at about 17 tines. The 10-Note kalimba may be the best kalimba for children ages 8 – 14. One reason it is so good for beginners? Because these 10 notes are also the core of the new 17-Note kalimbas in C – anything you learn on this kalimba is directly applicable to the 17-Notes.

I also recommend the 10-Note kalimba for beginners of every age, or people who have owned larger kalimbas but never felt that they were comfortable with that many tines.

The 10-Note kalimba is a great instrument for walking and playing. It is a great instrument for learning how to play without looking at the kalimba.