Student Karimba for Kids – Download


This PDF ebook is geared toward 8- and 12- year olds, for the 8- or 9- note student karimba. 16 Pages, 20 songs, live links to recordings.

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This 16-page, 20-song tablature-based PDF has live links to access MP3s of each song. Recordings are available in both the G and C, as we sell instruments in both tunings. That is, the download works just the same for the C tuning or the G tuning. Similarly, the tablature is written for a 9-note kalimba, but all of the songs also work for the 8-Note versions of the student karimba.

You can also use this book as an introduction to the lower row of tines on the full 17-note African Tuned Karimba or the 15-note Mbira Nyunga Nyunga. Those lower notes are known as the “kalimba core” and the “original mbira”, as Andrew Tracey calls this instrument? All other kalimbas in southern Africa are built around these notes.