This kalimba is a great blend of cool magic tricks (from the wah wah, and from the way the notes are laid out), and shear capability. Do you want to just wave your thumbs around and have cool-sounding music pop out as if by magic? CHECK! Do you want to be able to play the tines with precision and have beautiful arrangements come forth through your careful practice and work? CHECK.
We now have a 40-page booklet that comes with this kalimba for free.
By the way, this kalimba is made by Magadi, a new Chinese kalimba maker that has made it their stated mission to be the makers of the best professional level kalimbas. This instrument is certainly in step in the direction of Magadi achieving their dreams.
Now available in exotic tunings, including: A Harmonic Minor, Desert Star G Middle Eastern, Lotus Lyte Gm/Cm, Bebey G9, and Bothe F tunings. Look for the details of these tunings in the additional product images.
Also, when you purchase the Star-13 Kalimba, you also get a 46-page ebook on these exotic tunings! A wonderful new world is opening up before you.